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Fundación CIDAUT
Tecnological Center
CIDAUT (Centre for Automotive Research and Development, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en AUTomoción, in Spanish) was founded in 1993 as a non-profit making organisation. Its main objective is to increase competitiveness and industrial development of companies operating in the automotive sector, strengthening their industrial fabric by increasing their technological capabilities, in such a way that they are able to develop new products and processes.
CIDAUT develops its activities directed at invigorating Science-Technology-Industry systems and facilitating innovation in industry. Companies find in CIDAUT the answer to their innovation needs and are able to improve their technological capabilities, as well as benefiting from an efficient interface structure when putting forward their requirements.
Moreover, within the development of new energy systems based on alternative and new renewable energies, CIDAUT has intensively worked on liquid biofuels, biomass gasification and hydrogen technologies. CIDAUT is expert in the development of efficient and suitable biofuel conversion processes for their use in thermal engines and other energy applications. The work developed by CIDAUT starts at laboratory level. The next step is carried out at pilot scale and finally it is set up at industrial size with own technologies to complete whole innovative chain. CIDAUT also works on biofuels performance characterization used on energy systems such as steady state engines, stoves, and surface transport fleets in order to ensure maximum energy efficiency and safety.
Eva Martín



Last update: June 20th, 2012
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